We at Rogers-Whitley are proud to announce the completion of
RW Has A New Face
Instead of stagnant catalog pages, we bring you an interactive experience. Shop Now buttons are located on each hero page and link you directly to that brand's product catalog. Please note, you need to set up a buyer account with us and customer account online in order to shop! Not sure how to do this? Please contact the office and
we will get you set up!

Shop by Item
You asked and we listened! Not only can you shop by item, but you can select your sizes and colors for each item all from one screen!

How do you increase your quantities you ask? Each time you add something to your cart, it will pop up to the right side of your screen. You will see plus and minus signs below each item. You can change your quantities as you go along or wait until the end. You will also have a running total at the bottom.

Once you are ready to check out, hit CHECK OUT at the bottom of your cart. It will then take you to a screen where you can review your order and enter shipping information. On the payment information screen, you will be able to choose from either Net 30 or manual credit card payment. Please note that in order to do Net 30, you must have filled out a credit application with the office.
If you are a new customer and would like to do Net 30 terms, please contact customer service for an application. If you choose manual credit card payment, please call the office after you receive your confirmation email to supply your credit card information. Since we don't always know exactly what will ship until the order is picked, we won't charge your card until we know exactly what items will be sent with your order. We do not charge you for items that do not ship.
We look forward to doing business with you!